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Effective PC and Online Virus Protection
Antivirus | Antispyware
Dengan ESET NOD32 Antivirus 5, kita akan merasa nyaman dan aman saat beraktvitas di dunia maya seperti di facebook, twitter, mendownload file, bermain game online atau ketika kita bertukar data melalui media removable seperti flash disk, memory card dan yang lainnya. ESET NOD32 Antivirus 5
ini menggunakan beberapa lapisan deteksi dan cloud technology yang unik
untuk mencegah ancaman dan memblokir semua serangan vektor potensial
(potential attacks vectors). Selain itu Antivirus ini juga mampu
menghentikan Cybercriminals atau penjahat dunia maya sebelum dapat
mengganggu sistem dan mengeksploitasi informasi pribadi kita yang

Lihat Fitur disini
Key Features and Benefits
ESET Live Grid (NEW)
Cloud-powered scanning delivers optimized real-time protection against Internet threats and social media exploits.
Gamer Mode (NEW)
Lets you focus on your online sessions or important work tasks without distractions.
Energy Saving Mode
Identifies when laptop is running on battery and automatically postpones
scheduled tasks alerting you before larger update downloads.
Smart Detection
Smart Detection of malware utilizing advanced heuristic detection
technology protects you from unknown threats and flags unfamiliar
mutations of known malware.
Enhanced Media Control NEW
Automatically scans all USB flash drives, memory cards and CDs/DVDs.
Block removable media based on type of media, manufacturer, size and
other attributes.
Advanced HIPS Functionality (NEW)
This one is for real geeks – now you can customize the behavior of the
system in greater detail: specify rules for the system registry, active
processes and programs, and fine-tune your security posture.
Light Footprint
We’ve engineered a smart solution with extremely low system footprint
ensuring fast and smooth performance for a continual level of security.
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Download ESET NOD32 5 Username and Password. Semoga bermanfaat.
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